Time: 9-18

Recommendations for cleanliness



How to remove dust mites from a mattress

  • Illustration


    05 Mar 2024

Dust mites feed on dead human skin cells, which they shed about 2 kg per year. Due to the fact that parasites can survive in almost a wide variety of conditions, they pose a danger to people's lives, especially to people with allergies and asthmatics.
The most suitable environment for their development is a warm and damp surface, with a temperature of about 21 degrees.

What is the danger

Most often they are found in soft toys, feather pillows and, of course, mattresses.
The danger of their spread is that they can cause allergies and affect the human body for a long time, subsequently developing sinusitis or asthma.
Dust mites can also cause scabies.


Removing ticks from mattresses

Unfortunately, household methods of eliminating ticks are ineffective. So how can you protect yourself and your family from dust mites and allergies?

The most effective way is to order professional cleaning and disinfection of mattresses, carpets and cabinet upholstered furniture using professional equipment, products and modern technologies.

You can order these services from our company by agreeing on a convenient time for you with the manager.